GGLolipopScissors2 – Grappling Girls in Action e hand over mouth

GGLolipopScissors2 - Grappling Girls in Action e hand over mouthTo find more videos from
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Studio:Grappling Girls in Action
Length:10 min
Standing Headscissors, Standing Headscissors, Hand Over Mouth, Standing Headscissors, Figure-4/. Sasha destroys Scott while sucking on a lollipop. Like in their first match, when Scott screams, Sasha laughs and tries to kill him even harder. While sucking on the lollipop and holding him in a standing headscissors position, she even checks her phone. When he screams his submission, she humiliates him by twerking over him. She holds include the following: Headscissors, Chokes, Bodyscissors, Hand Over Mouth, Standing Headscissors, Figure-4/. Sasha humiliates Scott by sucking on a lollipop and destroys him without putting the lollipop aside!! As with their first match, when Scott screams, Sasha laughs and wants to go after him even more. Her phone is twitching as she holds him in standing headscissors as she suckers on the lollipop. In order to humiliate him, she twerks over him after he has screamed out. After sucking on a lollipop, Sasha destroys Scott without putting it aside! As in their first match, when Scott screams, Sasha seems to laugh and be even more determined to destroy him!! In fact, she even checks her phone while sucking on the lollipop and...