Helly Manon's volunteers Part II 4K VR360 – Winzlings Shrinking Clips i virtual reality – vr

Helly Manon's volunteers Part II 4K VR360 - Winzlings Shrinking Clips i virtual reality - vrTo find more videos from
Winzlings Shrinking Clips
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Studio:Winzlings Shrinking Clips
them... that would be fun.”

“But you are here... and now you have to deal with my stress.” She says, stomping and kicking the clear cage shes been keeping you in across the floor. “I would like to STEP on you guys!” she says, audible anger in her voice. “You little... NOTHINGS!”

“You know... this is working... but I need more. I need more relief.” She tilts the cage over and demands you all leave and lay in a line on the floor.

You all fall into her demands – youve been nothing but obedient since the shrinking - and lay on the floor. Your terror subsides a little when her voice calms down, a little, “You know? I really love you guys... but...