Introducing Jeannie! 4K HD – Reality Girls Scissors choking chokeout

Introducing Jeannie! 4K HD - Reality Girls Scissors choking chokeoutTo find more videos from
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Studio:Reality Girls Scissors
Length:13 min
shiny black boots with Jenny Ju Jitsu -- the black-haired girl cheering on her dark-haired friend as Jeannie choked Charles on his knees as she poured on rear naked chokes. Jenny laughs from the sidelines as she pulls up the hold and poses for pictures with Jenny as he shakes in her arms. He taps his head as Jenny taunts her and says shes hardly switching on the power. With mile-long legs and muscles like columns, newest Reality Girl Jeannie arrives with her friend, Jenny Ju Jitsu, in her shiny black boots. Jeannie pours rear naked chokes on Charles while he is on his knees before her in front of her as Jenny cheers on her dark-haired friend. As Jenny laughs from the sidelines, he shakes as he gets in his arms. She taunts Charles that she isnt even cranking on the power as she pulls up to the hold and poses for pictures. He taps the ground as he taps the door to see. Tall, with mile long legs that...