You Reap What You Blow – Skylar Locke mesmerize o

You Reap What You Blow - Skylar Locke mesmerize oTo find more videos from
Skylar Locke
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Studio:Skylar Locke
cheating dominant blowhard boy! Well, who is blowing hard now? Shame! Were done. Last blowjob. Last time with my mouth. Shame. Loser, with your dominant ways. You say youre my master, but youre harder now in my straps and under my mouth than ever? How come? Youre not so mastery now, do you? Shame on you. I wont let you fool me. You wont want to be around me. Ill make you love me. Im going to make you crave me. Ill make you feel incomplete. Ill blow you like a wrecking bal The cheater! Shame! Loser cheating dominant blowhard boy! Now whos blowing really hard? Shame! Were done. Last blowjob. Last time with my mouth. Shame. Loser, with your dominant ways. Despite telling me you are your master for months, youre getting harder in my mouth and straps than you ever have. Hmm? Not so mastery anymore? Shame. No way. I cant fool you. Ill make you say you love me. Ill make you crave me. Ill make you feel incomplete. Ill blow you like a wrecking ball. Cheater! Shame! Loser cheating dominant blowhard boy! Well, whos blowing hard now? Shame! Were over. Last blowjob. Last time with my mouth. Shame. Loser, with your dominant ways. Im your master, youve been saying for months. Then how come youre harder right now in my straps and...